Dental Blog

Clayton Dental Center is a patient-focused Surrey dental clinic who wishes to keep all lines of communication open between our patients and our staff. We offer you weekend appointments and evening appointments and now, a dental blog that’s intended to deliver concise, valuable dental information right at your fingertips.

If you have any specific questions or suggestions for a blog topic, please feel free to contact your Surrey dentist, Clayton Dental Center.

For dental advice right in your inbox, subscribe to our blog!

Featured Articles:

When should my child first see a dentist?

The Canadian Dental Association recommends the assessment of infants, by a dentist, within 6 months of the eruption of the first tooth or by one year of age. The goal is to have your child visit the dentist before there is a problem with his or her teeth. In most cases, a dental exam every six months will let your child’s dentist catch small problems early. This visit is important for the parents to learn how to manage diet, hygiene and the proper use of fluoride to prevent problems. The dental team can show you how to care for your infant’s or toddler’s mouth. This visit also lets parents discuss teething and developmental milestones. It’s also important to bring your child in so that he or she may become familiarized with the dental setting. We look forward to seeing your little one!

Another Tooth Fairy Visit.

These images are from our Tooth Fairy visiting these beautiful women with FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorder). We brought them all baggies full of dental product and one of them was about to be the winner of a Sonicare toothbrush!

Our Friend, Zennie!

Zennie donations UkraineThis is Zennie, a wonderful woman who helps to collect donations for the less fortunate in Ukraine. If you ever see her, make sure to give her a warm hello!

No-Carve Pumpkin Contest

This is our entry to the No-Carve Pumpkin Contest organized by Dr. Hodder at Viva Orthodontics. How can we not win with such a cute entry?

Clayton Dental Takes The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Our Tooth Fairy just did the ALS Ice bucket challenge and we now challenge ALL 123 Dental offices to do the same. Don’t forget to donate at!

Dental Emergency? We’re here for you.

We’ll help you through this and help you find peace of mind.

We’ve all been there.

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, call 604-805-2500 – 24 hours a day.

The sudden toothache that wakes you up in the middle of the night.

The crunchy snack that chips a tooth or dislodges a filling.

The sudden mishap that knocks out a tooth.

Okay, maybe we haven’t all experienced accidentally losing a tooth, but we all know it can happen easily and without warning.

Any of these can mean pain, discomfort and difficulty with normal activities like eating, drinking, sleeping, even breathing.

But, what else do dental emergencies have in common?

Anxiety – worry – concern.

It’s natural. Many people don’t know what to do when faced with a dental emergency.

What should you do?

  • Should you rush to the hospital?
  • Should you place a hot cloth on the jaw – a cold cloth?
  • Should you take painkillers – or not take painkillers?
  • Can a lost tooth be saved?
  • Should you put the lost tooth in a baggie in the fridge?
  • Can you eat and drink before you see the dentist?

So many questions.

And in an emergency, you should know where to look for the answers.

That’s why we created the 24 Hour Dental Emergency Line.

When you experience a dental emergency, and we’re not available – call 604-805-2500.

On our Emergency Line you’ll speak to a real dental professional.

  • We’ll help you understand what you should do – and what you shouldn’t.
  • We’ll help you book the soonest possible appointment so you can get the problem resolved.
  • And most of all, we’ll help you to reclaim your peace of mind.

Knowing what to do makes all the difference.

And now there’s only one thing you need to know.

Call 604-805-2500.

We’ll help you through this.

This service is made possible through our membership in 123 Dentist, a network of community-based dentists using technology and collaboration to provide our communities with comfortable dental care.

Click here for more info about after hours dental emergency services.


CMBA donationOn July 30th, 2014, Clayton Dental Center donated two Take Home Tooth Whitening Kits AND a Sonicare toothbrush to the Cloverdale Minor Baseball Association (CMBA) who are hosting this year’s BC Minor Baseball’s Pee Wee AAA Provincial Championships July 31st- August 3rd. This little guy came in to get them and was so happy with us he HAD to hug our manager Jen!


The Honeybee Centre Festival winners have been announced!! Congratulations to the lucky winners: Annika (7), Blake (7), Maia (6), Stephanie (6) and Jana (4).


Real Tooth FairyClayton Dental Center’s Tooth Fairy can be seen around the community at different events, here she is at the Honeybee Center Festival. Look for her around town and ask for a free toothbrush!


10453327_839447079433740_551616854786879865_nClayton Dental Center donated 2 Take Home Tooth Whitening Kits to the Fraser Downs’ silent auction which raised $30000 for the Langley Barn Fire.

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